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4 Characteristics of an End-Time Revivalist

When a local church is experiencing a ‘loss of breath’ and it is in need of a resuscitation, sometimes the pastors and leaders need to call in a specialist. There are specialists that God will send to help churches that are spiritually declining. These specialists are called, revivalists. Throughout history God has used revivalists to help resuscitate churches after...

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God Is Restoring The Local Church

In the fall of 1990, shortly after retiring for the evening, something quite unexpected happened to me. I had just laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes to go to sleep when all of a sudden, the heavens opened and I saw a vision. It was like someone had turned on a movie projector and began projecting images on a screen before me. I had no ability to start or stop what I was seeing...

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The Principle of Perpetuality

Throughout the annals of history, many have endeavored to establish a lasting work for the Kingdom of God only to see their works fade with time and disappear. What is it that makes one's work live beyond the grave? There can be only one answer...

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Building Pillar-Like Faith

A pillar is not a tiny reed shaken with the wind. It stands upright, it does not lean to the left or to the right and it does not bend with the pressure of outward circumstances. A pillar holds some weight. A pillar carries its own load and remains faithful day after day because it is securely fastened to a solid foundation. This is a prophetic picture of what those In Christ are destined to become—pillars in the temple of our God. (Rev 3:12)

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22 Characteristics of a Healthy "Covering"

"Over all His glory there must be a covering." Is 4:5 There's a lot of talk about "covering" in the Body of Christ these days. Much abuse has taken place in the name of "covering" and many Christians shudder when they hear the word. Although the term "covering" is not specifically used in the Bible, the principal is definitely scriptural. The writer of the book of Hebrews says:

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The Confrontations of Love

When we speak of the love of God we are not referring to a wishy-washy, unconfrontive force that refuses to deal with anything. The love of God deals with problems. The Apostle Paul writes: Love: ...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Cor 13:7). Notice that Paul didn’t say that love ignores all things! The love of God confronts problem areas in our lives and brings about a positive change.

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The Roar of Love

The attributes of love described in 1 Cor 13:4-8 should be the foundational characteristics of every Christian’s character. However, there is another characteristic of God’s love that the church today seems to know very little about. I’m referring to the roar of His love. I have a friend who pastors a growing church in South Africa. He was raised in a family that used to hunt lions. While he and I were on a ministry trip through eastern Europe...

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Evil Suspicion Vs. True Discernment

Accurate discernment cannot come until you first develop the ability to discern the motives of your own heart. You can’t see clearly to remove a speck from someone’s eye until you have first removed the log from your own. If your heart is polluted with ...

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The Tongues Series


The Tongues Series  Vol. 1


They Will Speak With New Tongues

On the day of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to facilitate the final phase of the Father’s plan to redeem for Himself a people from every, tongue, tribe, nation and people. The outpouring of the Spirit on that historic day was characterized by certain evidences that have been the center of intrigue and controversy ever since.…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 2


Tongues In The Old Testament

"Who has made man's mouth?…Have not I, the LORD?" (Exod 4:11) From the very beginning, God has demonstrated His power over man’s mouth. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them in His own likeness and gave them the power of speech and communication. (Gen 2:19; 2:23) Adam and Eve didn’t have to go to school to learn how to speak, it was supernaturally imparted to them on the day they were created…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 3


What Jesus Said About Tongues

When Jesus said, "out of his heart will flow rivers of living water," He was referring to the Spirit’s infilling or the baptism in the Holy Spirit. When you’re baptized in the Holy Spirit, you are filled the Spirit to full capacity — you are overflowing. When the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit begins to spill out of you, it will touch the lives of others. Notice the plurality of the word rivers…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 4


Tongues On The Day Of Pentecost

The book of Acts contains the record of how the Holy Spirit came into the earth and what He did after He got here. In Acts chapter one, Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Promise of the Father, "which," He said, "you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." (Acts 1:4-5) In obedience to Jesus’ command, about one-hundred-and-twenty disciples had gathered in Jerusalem to await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In verse 14, we find a detailed list of who was there…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 5


The Indwelling Vs. The Infilling

Some Christian denominations today teach that being born again and being filled with the Spirit are the same experience. Nothing could be further from the truth. The scriptures make a definite distinction between the Holy Spirit’s indwelling and the Holy Spirit’s infilling. We see this distinction illustrated by Jesus just before He ascended into Heaven.…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 6


Evidences of the Holy Spirit’s Indwelling

The primary purpose of Jesus’ death burial and resurrection was to enable mankind to be indwelled by the Holy Spirit. The indwelling and the infilling are two different experiences. Before Jesus came, no one had ever been indwelled residentially by the Holy Spirit. Jesus referred to this indwelling when He said to His disciples…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 7


Evidences Of The Holy Spirit’s Infilling

Although every Christian has the ability to be led by God’s Spirit, divine guidance comes more easily and frequently to Christians who are filled with the Spirit. The infilling of the Holy Spirit means that you are filled with the Spirit to full measure. The Spirit of God does not just dwell within you, He has now filled every part of your being to full capacity — your "cup runneth over." (Ps 23:5) The number one evidence of this ‘fullness’ is the ability to speak with other tongues…

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The Tongues Series  Vol. 8


Be Being Filled

"…this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…’"

Acts 2:16-17 (AMP)


The baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is not just a one time occurrence — it is a continuous experience of being filled. We know this to be true because the disciples were refilled with the Spirit on several occasions after Pentecost. (Acts 4:8,31; 13:52) Paul also bore witness to this truth when he wrote to the Ephesians and told them to, "ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit." (Eph 5:18 AMP)…

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The End-Time Restoration
of the Tabernacle of David

(The Official Ministry Status of the Psalmist & Minstrel Restored in the Last-Days)


"The role of the Psalmist and Minstrel is weighty, and must not be trivialized by the Church in the end-times." 

— K.D. Anderholm  

Sometime after the day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a Council in Jerusalem was held to discuss the matter of the Gentiles having to be circumcised according to the law of Moses. This was a hotly debated issue. But it’s interesting to note that Peter in this meeting discerned from the Old Testament a passage foretelling the time when the tabernacle of David would be restored again to the earth; not to the Jews, but to the Gentiles. Click
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